« Forms Catalogue


Form Description  
A4 Application for revocation of an order freeing child for adoption
A5 Application for substitution of one adoption agency for another
A20 Adoption - A guide for family court users
A21 Intercountry Adoption and the 1993 Hague Convention - A guide
A50 Notes Application for a placement order (Form A50). Notes on completing the form.
A50 Application for a placement order (Section 22 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A51 Notes Application for variation of a placement order (Form A51). Notes on completing the form
A51 Application for variation of a placement order (Section 23 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A52 Notes Application for revocation of a placement order (Form 52). Notes on completing the form
A52 Application for revocation of a placement order (Section 24 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A53 Notes Application for a contact order under section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order under section 51A of the Act (Form A53). Notes on completing the form
A53 Application for a contact order (Section 26 Adoption and Children Act 2002 or an order for contact or prohibiting contact under section 51A of the Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A54 Notes Application for variation or revocation of a contact order made under section 27(1)(b) or section 51B(1)(c) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Form A54). Notes on completing the form
A54 Application for variation or revocation of a contact order (Section 27(1)(b) or Section 51B(1)(c) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A55 Notes Application for permission to change a child's surname (Form A55). Notes on completing the form
A55 Application for permission to change a child's surname (Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A56 Notes Application for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom (Form A56). Notes on completing the form
A56 Application for permission to remove a child from the United Kingdom (Section 28 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A57 Notes Application for a recovery order (Form A57). Notes on completing the form
A57 Application for a recovery order (Section 41 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A58 Notes Application for an adoption order (Form A58). Notes on completing the form
A58 Application for an adoption order (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A59 Notes Application for a convention adoption order (Form A59). Notes on completing the form
A59 Application for a convention adoption order (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A60 Notes Application for an adoption order (excluding a convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption (Form A60). Notes on completing the form
A60 Application for an adoption order (excluding a Convention adoption order) where the child is habitually resident outside the British Islands and is brought into the United Kingdom for the purposes of adoption (Section 46 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A61 Notes Application for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad (Form A61). Notes on completing the form
A61 Application for an order for parental responsibility prior to adoption abroad (Section 84 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A62 Notes Application for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Form A62). Notes on completing the form
A62 Application for a direction under section 88(1) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002
A63 Notes Application for an order to annul a convention adoption or convention adoption order or for an overseas adoption or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid (Form A63). Notes on completing the form
A63 Application for an order to annul a Convention adoption or Convention adoption order or determination under section 91 to cease to be valid (Section 89 Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A64 Application to receive information from court records (Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A64A Application to receive information from court records about a parental order (Section 60(4) Adoption and Children Act 2002)
A65 Confidential information
A100 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with any prospective adopters chosen by the Adoption Agency (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A101 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopter (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A101A Agreement to the making of a parental order in respect of my child (Section 54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008) - electronic signature available
A102 Consent to the placement of my child for adoption with identified prospective adopter(s) and, if the placement breaks down, with any prospective adopter(s) chosen by the adoption agency (Section 19 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A103 Advance Consent to Adoption (Section 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A104 Consent to Adoption (The Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A105 Consent to the making of an Order under Section 84 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 - electronic signature available
A106 Withdrawal of Consent (Sections 19 and 20 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
A107 Consent by the child's parent to adoption by their partner (The Adoption and Children Act 2002) - electronic signature available
FP1 Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 - electronic signature available
FP1A Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010. Notes for applicant on completing the application (Form FP1)
FP1B Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure 2010. Notes for respondent
FP2 Application notice (Part 18 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010)
FP3 Application for injunction (General form)
FP5 Acknowledgment of service (Application under Part 19 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010) - electronic signature available
FP6 Certificate of service - electronic signature available
FP8 Notice of change of solicitor - electronic signature available
FP9 Certificate of suitability of litigation friend - electronic signature available
FP25 Witness Summons

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